Revenue Revolution

Digital Marketing With Master Resell Rights

all-in-one package for launching a

digital marketing business + resell for 100% Profit

Pro's of MRR

Let's talk about the reasons I chose this business model over the plethora of others I've seen online. I wanted to start a business but didn't know how to build a website, wasn't quite sure what to sell yet, and didn't have any experience. This course solves all of that for me. It taught me how to build the exact page you're on right now, allows me to turn around and sell the knowledge to others, and gain the experience running a business almost instantly. Digital Products are the way to go. You're not holding and shipping a physical product, and due to their ability to be instantly accessed & downloaded they are deemed "used" the moment they're sent out so you're not fooling with refunds either. You set your own hours, you go at your own pace, you work as little or as much as you want, and you have the flexibility and freedom to work from anywhere. While the cost of these courses aren't necessarily inexpensive, it is still far less than the costs associated with starting most other businesses. Learning to set all of this up has made the sky the limit for me as I can create my own Digital Products and now have a place to sell them. And I can rinse + repeat as many times as I need to with any niche/passion I want to. It's 2024 and I don't see social media + technology slowing down any time soon so learning how to monetize them was something I saw as essential.

Need More Info?

What is MRR?

MRR stands for "Master Resell Rights" and it is a legal clause attached to the course that allows you to resell it for 100% profit. So if you like the course & think it's valuable - you can also sell it to your audience for an additional stream of income.

Do I have to sell the digital product?

Absolutely not. The digital course is entirely yours, and you have the option to sell it if you wish. The resell model is just a bonus on top of all the value included in this course & community.

The course will teach you the skills to effectively market and sell your own product, whatever that may be. Use it to monetize your own passion or resell for 100% profit. Completely up to you!

What's in the course?

This is an extensive digital marketing course combined with a ready-to-launch digital product. With over 200 in-depth training videos, this course helps beginners to establish their own successful digital marketing business.

Step-by-step guidance in setting up free funnels, email campaigns, and other vital aspects of online business. Gain invaluable insights on branding, SEO optimization, and marketing across social media platforms.

You'll also have access to on-going community support and all future training modules that are added to the course, ensuring you stay up-to-date with the latest content.

What sets this course apart is its ownership model. Once purchased, you fully own it, giving you the freedom of selling it at a 100% profit.

Who is this course for?

This course is for you if:

- You're starting from scratch with no knowledge like I did

- You want to build a powerful brand & social media presence

- You want to increase sales for your online business or digital products

- You're looking for an additional stream of income through MRR

200+ Training Videos

Tidbit's of what's included:

Introduction To Digital Marketing

Learn the concepts & terms associated with digital marketing so you can get your business mission, vision and branding foundation started.

Setting Up Your Funnel & Email Campaign

Step by step training teaching you how to build your sales process, and setting up your business & branding.

Optimizing Your Sales Process

Learn how to drive sales & optimize your sales process.

Email Marketing

Learn email marketing for automated follow ups for your business.

Content Strategy

Learn how to create high value converting content to help you make more sales in your business.

Platforms To Market On

Learn how to market on all the social media platforms such as TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.

A little bit about me + how my journey started

I think for most people that may want to take the next step and dive into one of these courses, it's about more than just wanting to educate themselves or have a digital product ready to turn around & resell. So, rather than give you more information on the course, I wanted to take a minute to talk about myself and hopefully relate to some of you.

I feel like everyone in this space is an "expert" and I won't claim to be. I lack self confidence. I overthink everything. I doubt myself. I think I sometimes self sabotage. I spend way too much time beating myself up about where I'm at in life. All of this is part of why I stumbled into Digital Marketing though. So whether I find great success from this or fail miserably, I want to remember where I was mentally when I started this to hopefully remind others that if they're feeling the same way, they're not alone.

Seeing others make life changing amounts of money online and have the freedom to work from anywhere were the selling points that initially grabbed my attention and made me say - okay this is something I should look into. I wasn't comfortable putting myself out there on social media though. I really value my privacy so I wanted to find something that didn't require me to give that up. It took me about a year of seeing various side hustles before I committed to this course. As much as I wanted to make money, I didn't want to do it selling something I couldn't really get behind. There are soooo many ways to make money online nowadays. I realized though that the skills taught in this course are necessary no matter what online business I have or product that I'm selling. I figured worst case scenario, I started something that I was actually able to complete and now would have the knowledge that I could apply to any business, even if it wasn't reselling the information. Best case scenario, I offered the course to others and any sales I made, along with the information and experience I gained, I could later use to fuel a passion of my choosing. This course was the perfect starting point for me. But it was more for me than the information it offered or the money I could potentially make reselling it. I needed to see something through start to finish. I needed a change. I needed to feel proud of myself. This was a business that took less time & money, and presented fewer obstacles than others to get up & running. And if not for anything else, prove to myself I could do it, which I desperately needed.

I say all this to say that you don't need to be perfect when you start something. You can learn as you go. You don't have to be tech savvy. You don't have to have experience running a business. You don't have to be the expert everyone comes across as. I think most people are just faking it til they make it and that's fine too. The best approach is probably just to be yourself though, and that's enough. I also realize that for some, seeing others achievements online will be motivating, but for others it's the thing that might make them get in their own head and keep themselves from starting. It's hard not to compare the highlight reel that social media is to your own life and get down on yourself for not having it figured out yet. So I just want to show both sides of that. While I want to post any success I may have to show people what's possible, I also want everyone reading this to know that the link in my bio that brought you here isn't there because I'm super smart or confident. Know that I had zero knowledge about Digital Marketing or funnels or running a business and have always struggled with technology. That I hadn't posted on Instagram in more than 3 years, barely knew what a reel was and that being on camera will more than likely never be my thing. But here I am.

So for those of you that can maybe relate, try not to be so hard on yourself. It's never too late to pivot careers, change your daily habits, pursue something that actually makes you happy, and work towards the version of yourself you want to be while you do it. If you already have some other business in mind you want to start or something else in your life you've been holding yourself back from, whatever it is, you can do it as the perfectly imperfect version of yourself that you are right now. I'm learning as I go too, so if you have any questions, whether it's the course you're interested in or not, I'll always do my best to answer every DM.

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